In 2023, we made the strategic decision to fund an expansion into Chile, a marine ecoregion where we have the capacity to grow and deepen our impact, to support a variety of research projects on numerous cetacean species, such as blue whales and southern right whales.

Genetically different from the Antarctic and pygmy blue whale, the blue whale population that visits Chilean waters—also known as the Chilean blue whale, comprises approximately 600 individuals that return every summer to feed on krill off southern Chile. Approximately 30% of these whales return specifically to the northwestern area of Chiloe Island, highlighting this area as one of the most important sites in the Southern Hemisphere for species conservation efforts.

We also study the critically endangered population of southern right whales that frequent Chile and Peru. With an estimated population of fewer than 50 mature individuals, our research into these animals represents enormous hope for the conservation of this species in the Southeast Pacific. The information we gather is crucial in continued advancement of conservation measures designed to protect this population and ensure its recovery.


2 of the 5 major threats we research in this location

Vessel Collisions

Vessel traffic is a growing concern for the welfare of whales in Chilean waters. Unchecked vessel activity can disrupt the behavior and habitat of marine mammals that rely on this area to complete essential life-history stages. In some locations, whales must contend with up to 1,000 boats that move daily through important feeding areas. In particular, the noise pollution generated by vessels can interfere with whale communication and navigation, leading to stress, displacement and potential collisions.


Bycatch and entanglement constitute the most severe anthropogenic threats to large whales. We have documented a number of critically endangered southern right whales entangled in fishing gear. When entangled whales are observed, we attempt to identify the type and nature of gear involved so we can use this data to develop effective mitigation measures. We are also working toward the identification of aggregation areas for southern right whales in Chile so that spatial management measures, such as the designation of protected areas with no-take zones, can be implemented.

Target Study Species

Recent Publications

2018: Muñoz-Arnanz, J., Chirife, A.D., Galletti Vernazzani, B., Cabrera, E., Sironi, M., Millán, J.,Attard, C.R.M., Jiménez, B. First assessment of persistent organic pollutant contamination in blubber of Chilean blue whales from Isla de Chiloe, southern Chile. Science of the Total Environment 650 (2019): 1521-1528. Download PDF

2017: Galletti Vernazzani, B., Jackson, J.A., Cabrera, E., Carlson, C.A., Brownell, R.L., Jr. Estimates of Abundance and Trend of Chilean Blue Whales off Isla de Chiloe, Chile. PLoS ONE 12(1): e0168646. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0168646 Download PDF

2016: Castro, C., Cardenas, D., Kaufman, G.D., Echeverría, G. Presencia De Ballena Bryde Balaenoptera Edeni En El Parque Nacional Machalilla, Ecuador, 2013-2016 (On the Occurrence of Bryde’s Whales off marine area of Machalilla National Park, Ecuador 2013-2016). XI Congress of SOLAMAC, 17th Meeting of Specialists in Aquatic Mammals, Valparaiso, Chile: November 28, 2016 – December 1, 2016.

2016: Castro, C., Aleman, R., Cardenas, D., Baque, M., Gómez, W., Kaufman, G. Salvando Ballenas Jorobadas Enredadas En Trasmallos En Ecuador Continental. (Saving humpback whales entangled in fishing gear in continental Ecuador). XI Congress of SOLAMAC, 17th Meeting of Specialists in Aquatic Mammals, Valparaiso, Chile: November 28, 2016 – December 1, 2016.

2016: Kaufman, G.D., Currie, J.J., Stack, S.H. Modeling whale-vessel encounters: the role of speed in mitigating collisions with humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae). XI Congress of SOLAMAC, 17th Meeting of Specialists in Aquatic Mammals, Valparaiso, Chile: November 28, 2016 – December 1, 2016.

2016: Morais, M.V., Castro, C., Cardenas, D., Scheidat, M., Kaufman, G., Gallego, P. Presncia De Orcinus Orca En El Area Marina Del Parque Nacional Machalilla, Ecuador (Presence of Orcinus orca in the marine area of Machalilla National Park, Ecuador) XI Congress of SOLAMAC, 17th Meeting of Specialists in Aquatic Mammals, Valparaiso, Chile: November 28, 2016 – December 1, 2016.

2012: Galletti Vernazzani, B. Abundance estimates of Chilean blue whales by mark-recapture and line transect techniques. Document SC/64/SH19 presented to the IWC Scientific Committee, Panama City, Panama: 11 June – 6 July.

2012: Galletti Vernazzani, B. and Veirs, V. Wind farm projects near cetacean critical habitat in Chile: A case study. Document SC/64/E12 presented to the IWC Scientific Committee, Panama City, Panama: 11 June – 6 July.

2012: Galletti Vernazzani, B., Brownell, Jr., R.L, Cabrera, E., Carlson, C.A. and Sironi, M. Update on 2012 blue whale field season in Chile. Document SC/64/SH18 presented to the IWC Scientific Committee, Panama City, Panama: 11 June – 6 July.

2008: Acevedo, J., Allen, J., Castro, C., Félix, F., Rasmussen, K., Flórez-González, L., Aguayo-Lobo, A., Secchi, E., Llano, M., Garita, F., Forestell, P., Haase, B., Capella, J., Dalla Rosa, L., Ferrina, D., Plana, J.., Tobón, I.C., Kaufman, G., Flak, P., Scheidat, M. and Pastene, L.A. Migratory destination of humpback whales from the eastern south pacific population as revealed by photo identification analysis. Document SC/60/SH20 presented to the IWC Scientific Committee, Santiago, Chile, 23-27 June.

2008: Castro, C., Acevedo, J., Allen, J., Dalla Rosa, L., Florez-Gonzalez, L., Aguayo-Lobo, A., Rasmussen, K., Llano, M., Garita, F., Forestell, P., Secchi, E.R., Garcia Godos, I., Ferrina, D., Kaufman, G., Scheidat, M., and Pastene, L.A. Migratory movements of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) between Machalilla National Park, Ecuador and Southeast Pacific. Document SC/60/SH presented to the IWC Scientific Committee, Santiago, Chile, 23-27 June. 6 pp.

2008: Castro, C., Groch, K., Marcondes, M., Van Bressem, M. and Van Waerebeek, K. Miscellaneous skin lisions of unknown aetiology in humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) from South America. Document SC/60/DW18 presented to the IWC Scientific Committee, Santiago, Chile, 23-27 June. 5 pp.

2008: Castro, C., Forestell, P., Kaufman, G., Scheidat, M., Gibson, Q., and Ferina, D. Photo-identification of Humpback Whales, Megaptera novaeangliae, in the Puerto Lopez part of Machalilla National Park on the Ecuadorian Coast – South America: 1996 to 2007. Document SC/60/SH22 presented to the IWC Scientific Committee, Santiago, Chile, 23-27 June. 10 pp.

2008: Gibson, Q., Kaufman, G., Forestell, P., Hutsel, A. and Macie, A. Biased Analysis of Incomplete Data Sets Weakens Conclusions about the Status and Interchange of Breeding Stock E. Document SC/60/SH17 presented to the IWC Scientific Committee, Santiago, Chile, 23-27 June.