Report Marine Debris

Marine Debris is becoming more and more prevalent in our Oceans, and PWF is looking for help. If you spot marine debris in Maui Nui waters and cannot remove it yourself, please report Marine Debris by calling (833)4da-NETS (833-432-6387).
For any large quantities of marine debris, debris with living organisms on it or debris too large to remove by hand, our Conservation team at Pacific Whale Foundation will respond. You can also use the Marine Debris Report Form.

Volunteer with Us

Pacific Whale Foundation is asking residents to help with our cleanup efforts. If you would like to be contacted to help our Conservation team remove debris from beaches, click the link below!

Latest Cleanups

Did you know that Pacific Whale Foundation is the rapid response organization on Maui? If you come across any large, abandoned nets or derelict fishing gear around Maui Nui waters or shorelines, please call the hotline at 833-4-Da-Nets. Once contacted our Conservation team will mobilize to remove the debris!
Destructive ghost nets threaten not only cetaceans and pinnipeds, but can also smother coral reefs and fish. On Maui, Pacific Whale Foundation is the dedicated Marine Debris Rapid Response organization. Last week we responded to a large ghost net on the shores of Waihe’e beach. The team with the help of our partner, @hilandtrust removed 1,281 pounds of net that otherwise could have threatened marine life!