RISE UP Blue Call to Action Coalition

PWF recently became a member of the RISE UP Blue Call to Action, a joint call by civil society, fisherfolk, Indigenous peoples and philanthropic organizations to governments and corporations to join us and agree to bold action to safeguard the ocean. It was created in May 2019 by the Oceano Azul Foundation, Ocean Unite and the Oak Foundation to advance common priorities, objectives and targets that drive solutions for the ocean crisis and raise the level of ambition for action.

International Whaling Commision

The IWC is the global body charged with the conservation of whales and the management of whaling and currently has 88 member governments from countries around the globe. The Commission’s role has expanded since its establishment in 1946 to regulate the whaling industry. Today, IWC works to address a wide range of conservation issues including bycatch and entanglement, ocean noise, pollution and debris, collision between whales and ships, and sustainable whale watching.

PWF Chief Scientist Jens Currie, PWF Chief Biologist and PWF Ecuador Research Director Dr. Cristina Castro, all members of our dedicated Research team, are invited members and participants of the IWC Scientific Committee.

US Marine Mammal Commission

The Marine Mammal Commission provides independent, science-based oversight of domestic and international policies and actions of federal agencies addressing human impacts on marine mammals and their ecosystems.

PWF advises on anthropogenic impacts to cetaceans, with PWF Chief Scientist Jens Currie serving as the primary contact.

National Marine Fisheries Service

NOAA Fisheries is responsible for the stewardship of the nation’s ocean resources and habitat. They provide vital services for the nation: productive and sustainable fisheries, safe sources of seafood, the recovery and conservation of protected resources, and healthy ecosystems—all backed by sound science and an ecosystem-based approach to management.

PWF advises on anthropogenic impacts to cetaceans, with PWF Chief Scientist Jens Currie serving as the primary contact.

Society for Marine Mammology

The mission of the international nonprofit Society for Marine Mammalogy is to promote the global advancement of marine mammal science and contribute to its relevance and impact in education, conservation and management.

PWF Chief Scientist Jens Currie is a contributing member representing the organization.

Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale Marine Sanctuary Advisory Council

The role of the council is to provide advice to the sanctuary superintendent on the sanctuary’s operations and to serve as liaisons to constituents in the community.

PWF Chief Scientist Jens Currie serves as the primary research chair with PWF Education Manage Robyn Ehrlich as the alternate chair for the Education seat.

NOAA’s Hawaiian Islands Large Whale Entanglement Response Network

Entanglement is a global problem that negatively impacts thousands of marine mammals annually, and can result in starvation or drowning due to restricted movement, physical trauma and systemic infections. The Hawaiian Islands Large Whale Entanglement Response Network (the local branch of NOAA Fisheries’ Marine Mammal Health and Stranding Response Program) aims to safely free some large whales, like humpback whales, from life-threatening entanglements and help gather valuable information and increase awareness to reduce future entanglement threats.

PWF Chief Scientist Jens Currie serves as a first responder.

Ecuadorian National Assembly, Ecuadorian Environmental Ministry, Machalilla National Park, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN)

PWF advises on cetacean management issues, with PWF Ecuador Research Director Dr. Cristina Castro serving as the primary contact.

Society for Latin American Marine Mammalogists

SOLAMAC is a group of researchers with goals that include reinforcing and strengthening the Latin American scientific community dedicated to the study of aquatic mammals and their ecosystems, disseminating scientific knowledge on the aquatic mammals of Latin America, and being a space of reflection of ethical and cultural aspects of research, management and conservation of aquatic mammals and their ecosystems.

PWF Ecuador Research Director Dr. Cristina Castro is a member.